

I’m sorry for any delay and to hear that you have been awaiting a response.  By the time I saw these e-mails it was my understanding that a bid had been opened and had been won by the Women’s Equality Network, WEN Wales. I fully support WEN in the work that they are doing. 


However, obviously, it is a great disappointment to me and to the many members of  WWNC that the need for such funding was only recognised too late to be assistance to WWNC, which formally closed in June 2010 due to withdrawal of core funding by WG.  Had this offer come earlier, the trustees and I would have been in a position to bid.  With core funding I would have been able to secure the other avenues of funding that I was pursuing at the time.  However, this did not happen. 


I still feel that a short-sighted and disappointing decision was taken by WG, although I acknowledge that this has now been partially addressed.  I would still like to know how they will continue to ensure that the voice of women in Wales can be made loud and clear in policy and decision-making at a local, national and international level.


I would be interested to receive the response of the petitions committee.  Please forgive a reply by e-mail only, but I am going on leave today and thought a quick response was better than none.


Thank you


Naomi Brightmore


Naomi Brightmore, Manager

Port Talbot and Afan Women's Aid is registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee No: 027142217

Registered as a charity No:1014363

Registered address: 1st Floor, Commercial Buildings, Beverley Street, Port Talbot SA13 1DY.

Tel: 01639 894864 or Mobile 07792 230897


Affiliated to Welsh Women's Aid.